
How to earn money online from internet or website at home - 2014 tutorial

Now days every students needs money to fulfil their expenses. This is good opportunity for students  to earn money at home from Internet. In Internet their a lot of jobs but many jobs are fake and making people fool because people want earn money too fast but it is not possible.This is part time job so don't think that you can earn a lot of money from Internet. You can earn enough  money to fulfil your expenses. I want to advice those people who search  on the Internet for online job and they find a lot of fake job like OPA, referral links and Internet market companies. These are the some  job which are available on Internet and they invite people to join these jobs. These jobs are total fake and they ask registration fee's 6000 PKR or 50 $ so please be aware from these companies.

Since last two years I was searching on Internet for online job and i got a lot of links but all are totally fake jobs. When I was in intermediate my friend told me about part time job and he invite me to meet his boss. He explain and told me about job and I impressed from so i decided to start work with them. It was about Internet marketing , you have to buy products from the company, invite other people and you will get commission of 30$. So I bought product from the Gold Mine International in 70$ and sign up for job. I thought its so easy to invite people to join me but it was so difficult and its just wastage of money. So my friends Gold Mine International is totally fake and OPA also.   

We can say easily that earn money from Internet is easy task but in reality earn money online is not easy task. So friends if you really want to earn money from Internet so you have make your own web site or blog. You can make your website/ blog using Blogger, Joomala and wordpress, but I suggest to use Blogger. When you make your own website and you will post daily some news, which should be unique and you will be paid by Adsense. You will advertise on your website and advertiser company will pay you through western union

  • How to Creat New Blog or Website in 5 second step by step - 2014 Tutorial

  • In Asia it is too difficult to approve adsense account because many people make blogs ,they try to use copy paste which is not allowed in adsense policy. So google make some policies for Pakistan,India and all other countries in Asia. If you want to approve your adsense account you have to follow these steps.

    There are some main point for Adsense approval

    1.  You have to wait for 6 month and your domain should be 6 month old.
    2. you have to post unique content and unique pictures.
    3. You should be 18 year old.
    4. You should buy domain from godady
    If you want get google adsense account 100% approved on your name and address please contact us. 

    There are some other advertiser companies who will pay you


    If you don't want to make website and want earn money from Internet. You can earn money from they will give you money per clicks and just you have shrink the link. You have to copy of URL and past and just shrink, Copy this shrik url and share on face book on your time line and your earning will start. You have to just invite friends to visit the Shrink url.

    Please share your Important reviews and if you find any mistake please comment I ll try to correct.